Photo by Karolina Grabowska
“The thought of returning to work seems overwhelming, stressful, and difficult. How do I know I’ll be able to handle the responsibility of working outside the home while continuing to care for my home and child?”
I get comments and questions like this one all the time. Taking a maternity leave, no matter how long the duration, can make the best of us feel like we have dropped the “work” ball and will never be able to get it back up in the air again. “I’m rusty…out of practice…not as young as I used to be…don’t have the skills needed to jump back in…” – I’ve heard it all.
Building your confidence to return to paid work is the first step to following your dreams and finding satisfaction at both work and home. I know that you haven’t been out of work so long that you are no longer valuable. In fact, the opposite is true: you are more valuable than ever!
Consider Past, Present, Future: Steps to Building Your Confidence to Return to Paid Work
The best way to build your confidence is to acknowledge where you’ve been, recognize where you are, and not limit where you go next. The following mindsets will help you balance all three when making the transition back to paid work after a career pause. I suggest journaling about each of these areas, using the questions to help you process and think through each one.
Remember. What did you do well before your career break? What did you enjoy? What energized you and got you out of bed in the morning? What do you hope fill your plate (and what do you hope to leave off)?
Reviewing your resume, past emails, and reflecting on past projects are great ways to jog your memory and remember your strengths before your break.
Notice. What are you currently doing well? What matters most to you now? Is there anything that has changed about your interests and preferred activities? What energizes you and makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?
I encourage you to consider all of the things you do daily at home that are valuable skills in the workplace. Don’t think you have any? Think again! Consider other “mom” skills such as leadership, saying no, budgeting, teamwork, relationships building, research and problem solving, adaptability and agility, strategic thinking, communication, motivation, and organization.
Dream. What would you love to do when you return back to paid work? How does your past influence your current reality and vice versa? What changes can you make to balance the two and dream big for your future? What would a perfect day look like? Is there an ideal routine that would make working outside the home easier?
Don’t be afraid to make seemingly “unreasonable” demands while you dream. If you think it will never happen, now is not the time to tell yourself that. Dream big!
Plan. What does remembering, noticing, and dreaming reveal about the direction you should go as you return to paid work? What can you eliminate from your plate to make the return less stressful and hectic? Who makes up the village that will support you? What seems realistic and what seems out of reach?
Now is a good time to share with a trusted partner, peer, or mentor what you’ve been remembering, noticing, and dreaming about for your return to paid work. Wise counsel is often the best way to see things you are missing, or to push you towards going after that dream that you think is unrealistic. Keep revising your plan until it feels challenging, yet achievable.
Pro tip: The best way to build your confidence is to make a plan that breaks your to-dos into small baby steps, which sets you up for…
Do. This is the step you’ve been waiting for! What action can you take today to boost your confidence? What can you do this week? This month? Maybe practicing some of those transferable skills mentioned above? Perhaps it’s hiring a career coach or joining a Facebook or LinkedIn group to chat with other working moms. You can also Craft The Perfect Return To Work Elevator Pitch and attend a networking lunch.
After remembering, noticing, dreaming, and planning, your confidence to return to paid work will be sky high. You’ll feel prepared as you take the steps needed to achieve your goals.
Next Level Confidence Boosting
You have the potential to return to work and achieve success at home and in your career. Partner with Parents Pivot and take advantage of our confidence-boosting career coaching program. We offer 1:1 coaching as well as group coaching that will equip you with the tools and resources you need to build confidence and return to work successfully.
Want even more tips for boosting your confidence? Check out 4 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence When Job Searching and Overcoming Return To Work Challenges.
This post originally appeared on parents pivot.com. July 3, 2024. No matter where you are on your return-to-work journey, Parents Pivot is there to support you.