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Time Management for Moms

We learned many valuable lessons about time management this past year, thanks to the Coronavirus quarantine. Those of you who work outside the home and suddenly had to work inside the home may have had to learn how to get everything done with a new routine and schedule. Laundry, dishes, tutoring, mom talks, and dinner still needed to happen even with a pile of work to do. Effective time management became more important than ever!

Now that most of us are settled back into our usual routines, it’s still important. We’re still busy moms with lots of balls to juggle and needs to meet. So, how can we continue to apply the lessons we’ve learned about time management to our post-quarantine lives? Here are some ways to hack the working mom life so you can be successful and satisfied while achieving a healthy work/life balance.

And for those of you hoping to transition back to paid work soon, sharpen these transferable time management skills to showcase your value during the job search process.


Effective time management equates to less stress, enhanced confidence, and more peace in both your work and home life. Utilizing good time management techniques can allow you to get more done in less time, freeing up time for family, rest, or recreation. Working 24/7 is not good for your physical or mental health, so it’s critical to prioritize breaks and downtime when managing your time.

Here are 10 of the best, mom-approved time management tips to consider implementing into your work and family life:

  1. Say “no” to unnecessarily stressful offers. Now that you’re back to work, your time is more limited. Saying “no” to things you may have done before returning to paid work will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. While there are some obligations that cannot be turned down, be sure to remember that “no” is an acceptable answer. Maybe it’s saying no to volunteering at the community event, or saying no to hosting the next family or friend’s gathering. There will always be next time to say yes.
  2. Work in chunks. Whenever possible, try to chunk your work into manageable blocks. If possible, put similar tasks together so they are easier to complete. For example, check your email and return phone calls in the afternoon, leaving the important work for in the morning when your mind is fresh and ready to focus. At home, you might consider cooking in bulk to save money and cooking time. Chunking time by using methods like the Pomodoro technique will make work in the office and at home faster and less stressful.
  3. Delegate tasks when possible. Planning a birthday party? Have a to-do list that is growing instead of shrinking? Trying to find time to get grocery shopping done? Consider ways you can delegate tasks to someone else. If your children are old enough to help, by all means enlist them to contribute to the household chores. If the grocery store is on your partner’s way home from work, ask if you can move grocery shopping off your plate. If you have tasks that you can’t delegate to family members, consider using a home management service. Bevy offers these services in Houston. They will manage everything from cleaning to party planning.
  4. Stop aiming for perfection. It’s great to have high standards, but don’t let those standards be so prescriptive that the process of attaining them is overwhelming. Decide what is most important in every situation and know that imperfection is OK from time to time.
  5. Automate tasks. Think about what tasks can be automated. Can you schedule bills to be paid automatically? Need to be on the lookout for drops in airfare costs for your upcoming vacation? These days, so many tasks can be automated to save you time and energy. If you find yourself spending time on repetitive tasks, consider spending the time researching if they can be automated. You’ll thank yourself later.
  6. Cut down phone time. One of the biggest time sucks for people these days is the smartphone. Sure, it can save a person a lot of time and help connect with people. Be careful, though, that you don’t let the phone keep you from your goals. Use apps to help monitor or shut off access to the apps that suck time from your otherwise productive day. Social media apps are the biggest cause for concern when looking to be more productive with your time.
  7. Front load your biggest or most-hated tasks. Front loading your work will get the frustrating or annoying tasks off your plate sooner. Consider starting your day by answering emails, if you loathe the task. Put the biggest task at the top of your list so that it gets knocked out and you can move on to more enjoyable tasks.
  8. Practice self-care, including eating healthy and resting. As you transition back to paid work, be sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When stressful times inevitably come along, you’ll thank yourself because you’ll be less likely to become ill and will have more energy and focus to succeed. There’s no substitute for taking care of yourself during busy seasons of life.
  9. Use a meal or grocery delivery service. There are plenty of meal and grocery delivery services to choose from these days. Consider subscribing to one so you can have delicious and healthy meals instead of going out to eat in a pinch. Some meal delivery services include everything and only require a quick 20 minutes to make the meal.
  10. Recognize when you need a break.Hard work and dedication is commendable, but constantly pushing yourself isn’t in anyone’s best interest. Sacrificing self-care so you can get everything done will only lead to burn-out, and that won’t be helpful for anyone. Recognize when you need a break so your work time can be more efficient.

It will take time to implement these hacks, so pace yourself and take baby steps to start. Learn what works best for you as you try new things and be sure they also work for your family.

This piece originally appeared on ParentsPivot.comTo learn more about how Parents Pivot can help you achieve the work-life integration that you want as a leader and a parent, visit our Shop for more information on their 1:1 coaching.

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