Self-Weaning and What to Expect

The best-laid plans, right? (Or is it the “breast-laid plans”?) You have your goals for breastfeeding — six months. One year. Two years. Natural term weaning. They’re all big achievements, and you deserve a gold star for working towards them because, as we know, being a parent is hard work. Let alone breastfeeding. But maybe […]

Navigating the Four Month Sleep Regression 

You’ve probably just started to settle into your routine with your new baby. And before you know it, your maternity leave is almost over. Going back to work after spending the last few months or weeks with your new baby can be emotional. The thought of having to wake up and be out the door […]

Newborn Sleep 101

Sleep disruption is also one of the most challenging changes parents face. So, why is an infant’s sleep so dysregulated? And how can you help? You can’t have a newborn and NOT obsess about sleep. Sleep isn’t an indulgence, it is a biological necessity for parents and children.  For children, the American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that […]

When to Bottle Feed Your Baby

A common question from new parents goes something like this: “When and how is the best way to introduce a bottle into our baby’s feeding regimen?” Depending on the circumstances, the answer is not always the same. When introducing the bottle there are two (2) things you want to avoid: Bringing a bottle in too […]

Breast Milk Composition 101: The Magic of Your Milk

Breastfeeding is truly one of nature’s most beautiful gifts, wrapping up nutrition, love, and a sprinkle of magic all in one. Have you ever wondered exactly what is in your milk that makes it so perfect? This post summarizes the composition of breast milk, exploring its unique components and the incredible benefits it offers to […]

Five Ways to Increase Milk Production

That feeling that you’re making enough milk to keep your baby fed and happy when you’re breastfeeding? It’s the best. And if you never struggle with milk supply, it’s something that’s easy to take for granted. But if you are struggling with milk supply? The stress can be really overwhelming. Not only do you worry about whether […]

Why World Breast Pumping Day Matters

Today is World Breast Pumping Day. Bet you didn’t even know that was a thing. It’s not the most widely known holiday but here’s why it matters: They say it takes a village–oh does it ever!–but the old village has changed. Gone are the days that people just popped by; where neighbors dropped in with […]

DIY Breastmilk Soap

Breast milk has so many incredible healing properties. For years moms have talked about putting it on skin to relieve rashes and eczema, or even dropping it around baby’s eye to clear up eye goop and even treat pink eye. (In fact, many moms recommend freezing breast milk in these tiny syringes so that you […]

All About Cluster Feeding

As a midwife and lactation consultant one of the most common conversations I have with my clients goes like this: Most women can make plenty of milk for their baby. There are some medical reasons and circumstances when a woman is not able to keep up with their baby’s demand, but a healthy woman with […]

Work & Mother Staff Picks: A Gift Inspiration Guide

We polled our team here at Work & Mother about the best new parent gifts they ever got, just in time for the Holidays. This is not an affiliate link gift guide, it’s simply a list of our favorites!  FOR PARENTS Something You Want… Something You Need… Something to Wear… Something to Read… FOR BABIES […]